Arnold Friends of the Library
Arnold Friends of the Library
Meeting Date: 4th Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Arnold Jaycees Community Room at the Arnold Branch, 1701 Missouri State Rd.
Meeting Date: 4th Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Arnold Jaycees Community Room at the Arnold Branch, 1701 Missouri State Rd.
Membership Dues:
Membership Dues:
Individual $5.00/year
Family $10.00/year
Organization $25.00/year
Contributing $50.00/year
Life $100.00
Fund Raising Activities:
Fund Raising Activities:
Annual Antique Appraisal on going sales of book bags and used books
Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Events:
President: Peggy Lambing
Vice President: Karen Horn
Secretary: Amy Held
Treasurer: Carole Martin