Get a Library Card

How to Apply

1) All library card applicants must provide proof of identity. Such proof may be one of the following:

2) All applicants for Resident (free) library cards must provide proof of legal residence or ownership of real estate within the boundaries of JCL's active subdistricts plus proof of current address. 

Applicants for Non-Resident (annual fee) library cards must provide proof of current address. Such proof may be one of the following:

3) Complete the application card and sign it. 

Applicants who are age sixteen and older assume responsibility for fines or other charges incurred while using the library. A parent or legal guardian must sign the application for minors under the age of sixteen. 


Resident Card

Anyone who lives with the boundaries of the active subdistricts of the Jefferson County Library (JCL) or owns property in the active subdistricts may apply for a library card at no cost. The boundaries of the JCL active subdistricts currently correspond with the boundaries of the Northwest, Fox and Windsor school districts. If you are unsure which school district you live in, search your address here.

Children under eighteen (18) years of age are required to have a parent's or guardian's signature on their library card application. The parent or guardian assumes the responsibility to supervise the child's use of the library and its resources and agrees to insure payment in full for any fines or other charges incurred on the child's library card.


Anyone age eighteen (18) years or older who lives within the boundaries of the active subdistricts of the Jefferson County Library (JCL) or owns property in the active subdistricts may apply for a library eCard at no cost. The eCard provides access to the library's online resources only. An eCard can be upgraded to a Resident Card by visiting any JCL branch library with a photo ID. (Proof of residency within the Fox, Northwest, or Windsor school district boundaries is also required.)

eCards are not available for reciprocal users.  

Apply for an eCard here

Educator's Card

The non-resident fee is waived for educators who are employed at Jefferson College or any public, private, or parochial school (grades K-12) within the boundaries of JCL's active subdistricts. In order to apply for or renew an educator's card, the educator must provide written proof of employment. Such proof includes a current check stub or a statement on letterhead from the school administration. An educator's card must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. (September 1st)

Library cards may also be obtained by day cares within the Jefferson County Library service area by applying for a corporate library card.  To apply for a corporate library card, bring proof of identity, proof of address, and a written letter on corporate letterhead acknowledging responsibility for all items checked out on the library card and listing no more than five employees that may use the library card. 

Corporate Card

Day care centers, businesses and government offices will be issued corporate cards if they operate within the boundaries of JCL's active subdistricts. Write a letter of application on your business letterhead and list the authorized user of the corporate card. The letter must be signed by the person legally responsible for the entity (the owner, operator or manager). The letter must state that the entity will take responsibility for all damages, fines and lost materials checked out on the corporate card and will insure that all authorized users of the corporate card comply with all library policies, rules, and regulations. The number of individuals (eg. enrollment) served by the entity should also be indicated in the letter. Non-resident fees will apply to corporate cards for all entities that are not located within the boundaries of JCL's active subdistricts. 

Reciprocal Card

JCL has a reciprocal agreement with St. Louis County Library that started on September 1, 2021.  A library card can be obtained by visiting any JCL Branch with a photo ID and proof of residency if you are a resident of the St. Louis County Library service area.   

The Municipal Consortium libraries listed below belong to Missouri Evergreen, the library consortium of which JCL is also a member. Patrons with a library card from the following libraries may check out items at JCL, and JCL patrons may use their library cards at these libraries, as well:

Non-Resident Card

Individuals who do not reside or own property within the boundaries of JCL's active subdistricts may purchase a non-resident card at the cost of $80.00 a year, or $20.00 for three months. Additional cards may be issued to the spouse, children, foster children, or legal wards if they live with the applicant. The applicant is responsible for all fines and charges incurred on the non-resident card.

Library Card Gift Certificates

Friends and family of non-residents may purchase gift certificates in any one of the amounts listed below to give to a non-resident of the Jefferson County Library District as a gift. The non-resident can then bring the gift certificate to any of the Jefferson County Library branches to redeem for a non-resident library card.

The boundaries of the active subdistricts of the Jefferson County Library correspond with the boundaries of the Fox, Northwest, and Windsor School Districts.

All residents of these subdistricts support the library through real estate and personal property taxes and are eligible for a resident (free) card at the Jefferson County Library.

Individuals who do NOT reside in or own real estate within the tax paying subdistricts of the Jefferson County Library may purchase an annual non-resident (fee) card, which covers the entire household. 

The non-resident fee is:

• $20.00 per quarter year 

• $40.00 per half year 

• $80.00 per year 

eCards are not available for reciprocal borrowers.