About Us
Our Mission:
"Jefferson County Library:
your place to learn, connect, grow, and achieve."
Our Vision
Jefferson County Library will empower the community toward a lifetime of discovery, learning, and growth as a hub of tradition and innovation, cultural preservation and promotion, and equitable access.
Our Values
Literacy in all forms: Basic, Early, Civic, Digital, Financial, Health, Legal
Freedom of Information
Community-Centered Services
Excellence Through Diversity, Equity, & Belonging
People-First Workplace Culture
Integrity - Efficient and Effective Stewardship
Jefferson County Library serves residents of Jefferson County, Missouri, through four locations:
Northwest, Arnold, Windsor, and Cedar Hill.
Our Plan
Our mission, vision, and values guide both our daily work and our future direction. And our strategic plan outlines how we intend to bring those together in the coming year as we continue to serve the community.