Wireless Printing Now Available! Print from inside the library or at home.
Print wirelessly from all mobile devices, including laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Print jobs will be available for 72 hours after submission.
Black and white prints are $.20 per page and color prints are $.75 per page.
Payments will be made at the print release station at the individual branch.
Printer Portals
Sending a document through the web portal:
Select the black and white or color printer for printing your document.
Enter your email address.
Select Document:
If printing from a website: copy and paste the website's url into the text box.
If printing a document from your computer: click Browse and locate file.
Click the green print button. This will send your print job to the Self Service Kiosk, located at your local library.
Printing a sent document:
At the Self Service Kiosk, click Release a Print Job and enter your email address.
Select the print job(s) you wish to print and click Print.
A window will pop up the total cost of the print job(s).
If there are enough funds in your Allocation or Deposit Accounts (Library cardholders only), the job will go directly to the printer, located next to the kiosk.
If there are not enough funds in your Allocation or Deposit Accounts, add money to coinbox, located next to the Kiosk. Click Pay from Vending Device.
The job(s) will then be released to the printer.