Public Computers, Faxing, and Copying

Computer Rules and Guidelines

(See also the Public Computers and Internet Access Use Policy)

At this time computer sessions are limited to 2 hours. 

Users with a valid JCL / Missouri Evergreen library card may use the public access computers. Persons 16 years of age and over who are ineligible for a library card must present a valid state ID (driver's license, etc.) to utilize the public access computers. 

Parents are responsible for what children access on the computers. A parent must sit with any child 6 years old or younger while the child is using a public computer or the Internet. A parent must accompany any child ages 7 to 10, but does not need to sit with the child during the child’s public computer or Internet use, so long as the parent is present and available in the library building and checks on the child often. Children ages 11 to 17 may use the public computers or Internet without direct parental supervision, at the parent’s discretion.

Is the Internet filtered?

Filters have been installed on the computers; however because of the way filters are configured, 100% accuracy is impossible. It is possible and probable that the filter will not block some sites that should be filtered and block other sites which should not be filtered. Parents cannot rely on filters to prevent their children from seeing sites that they may deem inappropriate. Children should be supervised by a parent even when filters are in use. Patrons are asked to report instances in which they think the filter has failed to block objectionable sites, so that staff can take appropriate action.

What if I do not live the Library’s service area?

Persons 16 years of age and over who are ineligible for a library card must present a valid state ID (driver's license, etc.) to utilize the public access computers.

What is required to use the Library’s Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi Internet access is available. Library cardholders sign in with their library account. 

Is there a time limit?

The public general use computers are currently limited to two hours per day.  

Does the Library lend any electronic devices?

Electronic devices (such as Chromebooks) may be checked out for in-Library use for up to six hours per day only by patrons whose library cards are not blocked or barred. Please see the Electronic Devices BorrowerGuidelines and Agreement Form.

Can I save files or download software?

Nothing can be downloaded or saved to the computers. USB flash drives are recommended.

Computer users who violate the Public Computers and Internet Access Use Policy risk losing their public access computer user privileges.



Can I print?

Printing is 20¢ a page from public access computers.  Printing from your device at home or in the library is also available. 


Jefferson County Library offers fax services to the public for the following fees:

To Send Faxes:

$1 per page for all local numbers, long distance and 800 numbers within the continental U.S.

$5 for the first page and $2 for each additional page for all International numbers outside the continental US.

To Receive:

$1 per page for each page regardless of where the FAX originates (local, long distance/800 or International).

Branch Fax Numbers:

Arnold Branch 636-296-5975

Cedar Hill Satellite: 636-551-3075

Northwest Branch 636-677-8243

Windsor Branch 636-461-1915


The Jefferson County Library has copiers available for public use. The cost is 20 cents a page for black and white copies and 75 cents for color copies. Federal copyright rules apply.